Statement of Faith
• We believe in one God, existing in three equal and eternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
• We believe the Holy Bible, in its original texts, to be the infallible and authoritative Word of God, and that it is the ultimate standard for faith and conduct.
• We believe humankind has been separated from God through sin, and that every person’s highest need is to be reconciled to Him.
• We believe in Jesus Christ as the only way of reconciliation to God; that if we turn away from our sins and place our faith in Him, trusting in His sacrificial death on the cross as the complete payment of our just penalty, we receive the free gift of salvation by God’s grace, and will be rewarded with eternal life and joy in His presence.
• We believe those who receive God’s salvation become His children, that the Holy Spirit dwells in them, and that love and good deeds will be evident in their lives.